Monday, May 31, 2010

In Memorium

I spoke on the phone today with one of my oldest and dearest friends, also a Fighter Pilot's son. We reminisced about our Fathers and how they had managed to cheat Death in their youth, flying what were (then) the best and fastest airplanes in the U.S. Air Force. I told him of one of my last conversations with Dad, when I got to ask him, "How high did you fly? How fast have you flown? What was it like the first time you soloed in a fighter jet?" I never did (get to) ask him what it was like in War. He never spoke much about it to me. I don't know if he ever talked with Mom or not about it. I know that it must have taken a toll on him, even though, for the most part, it was probably a lot more "impersonal" from up in the air. I do remember that he spent part of a night under his cot because of an enemy mortar attack. He did tell us about that.
Today is Memorial Day. I know that most people relate this day to remembering those who have fallen, given their all, for their Country. But this day is also for remembering those who didn't necessarily die for our Freedoms, or the defense of those Freedoms, but for remembering all those who are dear to us. . .those that have passed on and, yes, those that are still with us. While talking to my friend, we of course talked about our fathers. I already said that. But I also thought of my daughter Hilarie, and the almost "tangible" bond she had with my Dad. I miss them both immensely.
When I got off the phone with my friend, the dogs needed to go out and potty. When I took the first one out (the "dawdler" of the two), I heard some jets flying nearby. I looked up and saw a flight of F-16's flying over, probably returning from a fly-over for a Memorial Day ceremony or parade. They were still in formation. The "Missing Man" formation. Just a gentle reminder, for me, that the sacrifices go on. Pray for those who serve, and for the families who have given of themselves for us.