Monday, February 9, 2009

I'm Wearing my (Soap Box) Derby

As I was driving home from work today, I happened to get behind a Subaru from Washington (state) that had a message written across the back window that read, "If you will kiss my ASS OBAMA, I will be a good Christian and turn the other cheek." What a jerk. Is he/she upset because Obama won the election, because he is African-American, or just exhibiting the right to freedom of expression? I'm sorry, but when your "freedom of expression" may necessitate my explaining something to my kids or grandkids that I may not be ready to discuss at this point in their lives, you are crossing the line, in my opinion. (Luckily I didn't have any kids with me at the time. But why should I have to even think about it?) Why don't you JOIN the Country in supporting the guy who has the job of trying to fix the mess we have collectively gotten ourselves into instead of bitching and whining. I have already said that no, I did not vote for President Obama. But dammit, he IS my President and I will support him and pray for him. (I think) my parents were Republicans when I was growing up. I only say this because I remember in the 1964 election, I was "rooting" for the Democratic incumbent. I remember Mom indicating that she and Dad had tendencies toward the Republican candidate, Barry Goldwater. I also remember, in late 1963, when (Democrat) President Kennedy was shot. The news broadcasts did not yet know whether he had been killed or not, only that he had been shot. When Walter Cronkite announced that President Kennedy was dead, my mother, who was weeping, cried out, "They've got to be wrong!" and wept harder. I was in 4th grade at the time, and was home from school because I was sick. I remember the day well. Neither my mother or father EVER thought about belittling the man or his office. No, they probably didn't help vote JFK into office. But they damned sure supported him in his office, and didn't whine or publicly insult him by putting a lame-ass message across the back window of their cars. It just makes me sick and embarrassed that people abuse not only their right to express themselves, but offend everyone else who happens to be on the same road, or in the same room. I am not against diversity, it is one of the key factors in our electoral process. In the Pledge of Allegiance (remember it?) we not only swear our alliance to the flag, but also to the "Republic" that it represents. A "republic" is a system of government that is run by the people through elected officials. Part of the rules are that: if your guy doesn't win, the worst you can say about him(her) is that he/she came in second. Number two in a nation full of people isn't bad. Don't be a bad sport, support the winner. You still have a "say" in the running of the country. Quit bitching, wipe your nose, and help the rest of us fix the problems! I know it is cliche', but Love it or Leave it.
Dad did not join the military because of President Eisenhower or any other politician. He joined because, first and foremost, he loved this country and was willing to die, if necessary, to preserve the fundamental rights and freedoms for the rest of us. Even those bozos who abuse them.

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