Friday, February 6, 2009

Where does the time go?

This month will mark the sixth anniversary of Dad's passing. It sometimes seems that he has been gone much longer than just six short years. I guess it's because he was so much a part of my life. His influence has been a pattern (off-and-on) for the shaping of my life or, rather, the path(s) that my life has taken over the last 50 years or so. Even if I hadn't heard from him for a while, he was always there. So maybe, because he is thought about or spoken of every day, it seems longer. At the same time, it seems like just yesterday, or just last week, that we all assembled together for his funeral. Again, probably because he is in our thoughts daily, the memories of him are still "fresh" in our minds.
That is one of the reasons that I started this literary tribute to him: to keep (my) memories alive as well as share them with family and friends. I may tend to "ramble" in some of my posts, but I try to include something relating to Dad in each one of them because he really was (is) a guiding influence for me. I wouldn't be the man that I am, if not for the man that he was. (We miss you, Dad)

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